general.landmarks: Maseera tradingAl khattal & mohideen tradingMahmood malik international trading
general.complex: ras al khor fruits and vegetables market
general.buildingEntrance: Main Entrance
general.floorNum: Ground
Ad Falcon International General Trading
Where is Falcon International General Trading located in Dubai?
Falcon International General Trading is located in Ras Al Khor Industrial 3, Ras Al Khor in Dubai.
Is Falcon International General Trading open now?
You can check the opening hours of Falcon International General Trading here.
How can I reach Falcon International General Trading?
Falcon International General Trading is situated in ras al khor fruits and vegetables market , 18th Street, Ras Al Khor Industrial 3, Ras Al Khor, Dubai.
What does Falcon International General Trading specialize in?
Falcon International General Trading specializes in Supermarkets, Hypermarkets & Grocery Stores.
How can I contact Falcon International General Trading?
Falcon International General Trading can be contacted by email at