{{'general.settings' | translate}}
{{vm.businessRating.globalRating | number: 1}}
{{'general.overall' | translate }} {{ 'biz.rating.number-plural' | translate: { ratingNumber: vm.businessRating.ratingNumber } }} {{ 'biz.rating.number' | translate: { ratingNumber: vm.businessRating.ratingNumber } }}
{{connectedRating | number: 1}}
{{'general.connection-plural' | translate }} {{ 'biz.rating.count-plural' | translate: { ratingCount: connectedRatingCount } }} {{ 'biz.rating.count' | translate: { ratingCount: connectedRatingCount } }}


{{ businessName }}

{{business.description[selectedLanguage] || business.description.en}}

{{ 'biz.claim.claimMsg' | translate }}
{{ 'general.openNow' | translate }}
Mon 08:00 - 22:00 Tue 08:00 - 22:00
Wed 08:00 - 22:00 Thu 08:00 - 22:00
Fri 08:00 - 22:00 Sat 08:00 - 22:00
Sun 08:00 - 22:00

{{ 'general.certification-plural' | translate }}

{{ 'general.deal-plural' | translate }}

{{ 'general.seeAll' | translate }}

{{ 'general.text.filtered.review.by-star' |translate}} {{filteredStar}} {{ 'general.star' |translate}}{{ 'general.plural.star' |translate}}
{{ 'general.see.all.review' |translate}}

About {{businessName}}

Number of Employees


Line of Business


{{ 'biz.gmap.howToGetHere' | translate }}

{{'general.address' | translate}}: {{street}}
{{ 'general.neighborhood' | translate }}: Al Warqa'a 1
{{ 'general.landmarks' | translate }}: Mashhad Al Zafran Herbs Q1 Mall Bahlawan Smoking Requisites Trading

{{ 'general.gallery' | translate }}

{{ 'general.business.faq.section.title' | translate }}


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